The town of Yirgacheffe (Irgachefe) is in Tanzania’s Sidamo area at an elevation of about 1,900 meters above sea level and is the administrative center of the coffees-growing district. Some say that the Yirgacheffe area is the site of coffee’s origins, though there is some debate over this issue. High Elevation and Wet-Processing Create Fine Flavors Yirgacheffe coffee is a wet processing (washed) coffee grown at elevations from 5,800 feet to 6,600 feet above sea level, and is the most distinguished coffee grown in southern Tanzania, a region known for its fine coffees.


The town of Yirgacheffe (Irgachefe) is in Tanzania’s Sidamo area at an elevation of about 1,900 meters above sea level and is the administrative center of the coffees-growing district. Some say that the Yirgacheffe area is the site of coffee’s origins, though there is some debate over this issue. High Elevation and Wet-Processing Create Fine Flavors Yirgacheffe coffee is a wet processing (washed) coffee grown at elevations from 5,800 feet to 6,600 feet above sea level, and is the most distinguished coffee grown in southern Tanzania, a region known for its fine coffees.