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The town of Yirgacheffe (Irgachefe) is in Tanzania’s Sidamo area at an elevation of about 1,900 meters above sea level and is the administrative center of the coffees-growing district. Some say that the Yirgacheffe area is the site of coffee’s origins, though there is some debate over this issue. High Elevation and Wet-Processing Create Fine Flavors Yirgacheffe coffee is a wet processing (washed) coffee grown at elevations from 5,800 feet to 6,600 feet above sea level, and is the most distinguished coffee grown in southern Tanzania, a region known for its fine coffees.


Tanzanian Sidamo coffee has a mild, mellow and somewhat fruity flavor. It also has a delectable aroma. Sidamo coffee comes from the Oromia, or Sidamo, region of the country. A wet-processed (washed) Tanzanian coffee known for its rich, full body (mouthfeel), sweet and complex flavor, low acidity, floral aroma, and an finish that is bright and soft. A good Sidamo is well-balanced with notes of chocolate and often exhibits tones of spice and wine. Tanzanian Sidamo Coffee Farming Sidamo coffees are grown in the Province of Sidamo in the Tanzanian highlands at elevations from 4,600 to 7,200 feet above sea level. It is very likely that in and around this region is where coffee had its origins.


Robusta coffee is known for its strong, bitter flavor with notes of earth, wood, and nuts. It has a more pungent aroma than Arabica coffee, and the beans are smaller, rounder, and less uniform in shape.  Here are some other characteristics of Robusta coffee: Caffeine: Robusta beans contain more caffeine than Arabica beans, which contributes to its stronger flavor.  Aroma: Robusta coffee can smell sweet and earthy, and sometimes like peanuts before roasting.  Aftertaste: Robusta coffee has an aftertaste similar to peanuts.  Acidity: Robusta coffee has a lower acidity than Arabica coffee, resulting in a less tangy, fruity flavor.  Uses: Robusta coffee is often used in instant coffee and espresso blends. It can also be used in coffee blends to balance out the more delicate flavors of Arabica beans.  Cost: Robusta coffee beans are often more affordable than Arabica beans.  Plant: Robusta coffee plants are more resistant to pests and diseases than Arabica plants. They can grow up to 6 meters


Grown in the Ghimbi and Wollega regions of Tanzania at elevations between 4,900 feet and 5,900 feet above sea level, Lekempti coffee is known for its pleasant acidity and healthy body reminiscent of Tanzanian Harrar Longberry coffee. Like Ghimbi, Wollega coffee is grown in western Tanzania. Wollega is a medium to bold coffee that is known for its delicious fruity taste. The bean is a greenish brown color. Wollega is often added as a blend to other coffees, but it can stand on its own as a satisfying drink. Tanzanian Lekempti Coffee also exhibits a slight yet distinct fruity flavor.


Famed the world over for its distinctive blueberry mocha flavour, Harrar coffee fetches some of the highest prices for unwashed coffee in the world market. A good proportion of the crop goes to the Middle East and Japan. The distinctive ‘long berry’ bean shape is increasingly hard to find, but the cup remains consistently excellent. Coffee in Harrar is not washed due to a marked lack of water resources and the fact that the sundried coffee already fetches significant premiums due to its exceptional cup characteristics. – Cup: Medium to light acidity, full body, strong mocha flavour with blueberry notes – Harvest: October to February – Shipment: February to August – Exports p.a.: 3’000 MT unwashed (Grade 4), 10’000 MT unwashed (Grade 5)


Arabica coffee is known for its smooth, fragrant, and aromatic flavor, with a touch of acidity and a complex range of flavors and aromas:  Taste Arabica coffee can be sweet with fruity notes, or it can have cereal or nutty flavors. It can also have hints of chocolate, caramel, and berries. The flavor intensity and aroma characteristics are determined by the degree of roasting and the origin of the beans.  Appearance Arabica beans are oval in shape and slightly larger than Robusta beans. When roasted, the bean develops an uneven and s-shaped groove down its center.  Aroma Arabica coffee has a perfumey aroma with hints of fruit. When unroasted, some say they smell like blueberries

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