Scientifically, cashew nuts are an excellent source of nutrition as the cashew apple contains five times more Vitamin C than an orange, and contain more calcium, iron, and vitamin B1 than other fruits, avocados, and bananas. Therefore, many studies have shown that moderate consumption of cashew nuts on a frequent daily basis could generate many health benefits, which then in the long-term improve overall human health. Here, we would like to introduce to you our Cashew nuts W180


Scientifically, cashew nuts are an excellent source of nutrition as the cashew apple contains five times more Vitamin C than an orange, and contain more calcium, iron, and vitamin B1 than other fruits, avocados, and bananas. Therefore, many studies have shown that moderate consumption of cashew nuts on a frequent daily basis could generate many health benefits, which then in the long-term improve overall human health. Here, we would like to introduce to you our Cashew nuts W180


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